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This site and program was created by the efforts of the late Laszlo Kiss. It was developed as his own work, and not representative of any official order, or the view or opinion of any group. It serves educational, historical and spiritual purposes pertaining to the Church's sacred liturgy.

Laszlo followed his sources as precisely as possible, and it has been the ongoing task of the Divinum Officium Project to correct errors.

Such a project as this requires others to be involved in maintaining and continuing it, so we hope to improve what is offered here in the hope that many will pray the Divine Office in this way and make it their own. We always welcome volunteers, particularly those with familiarity with other languages.

The code and data are freely available to anyone at the Divinum Officium GitHub repository, and licensed under the MIT License.


Calendaria Liturgica The liturgical calendar with over 75 propers, courtesy of Mr. Peter Day-Milne.
Divine Office Locator Locations where the Divine Office is prayed worldwide.
O.P. Prayer Prayers from classic Dominican liturgical and devotional texts, courtesy of Mr. Calder Claydon.
The 1961 Liber Usualis Tournai/New York: Desclée et Cie., for PDF download via
Latin-English Diurnal For PDF download (more properly described as the Horae Omnes Breviarii Romani, as this edition includes the psalms of Matins)
1964 Roman Ritual in English via the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius, Chicago, Illinois via
Pius XII (Bea) Psalter via
Roman Martyrology in English including PDF download
Breviary and Office Texts: An Overview Contains many useful schemata of the psalters used in the Divine Office. Cura et studio Theo Keller
Corpus Christi Watershed Resources for Sacred Music and the Liturgy, including the St. Edmund Campion Missal and Hymnal
Liber Psalmorum A collection of Internet resources for different translations of the Book of Psalms into Latin.
Elenchus Rituum Rituale Romanum (Latin-Español) CELAM, 1962
Liturgia Horarum (1970) for reading and download
Database of Gregorian chant scores Searchable in various ways.
The New Liturgical Movement News and commentaries about the Church's traditional liturgical forms.


The original source for the Latin text had been the Microsoft-sponsored scanning of the Ratisbon 1888 edition of the Latin Breviarium Romanum by the University of St Michael's College, Toronto, which allows personal, educational and fair non-commercial use. The sequence of the reference books in the above file is: hiemalis - aestiva - verna - autumnalis.

The Tridentine - 1888 rubrical structure has recently been updated to the 1906 text available here: Breviarium Romanum 1906.

Laszlo Kiss and the Divinum Officium Project team have adapted that text using their own copies of the Breviarium Romanum:
  • Hiemalis: Pustet (Regensburg, Germany), 1943
  • Verna: Benziger Brothers (New York, USA) 1945 (new Psalter)
  • Aestiva: Burns Oates & Washbourne (London, England) 1946
  • Autumnalis: La Presse Catholique Panamericaine (Montréal, Québec) 1943
  • In 2 vols. Desclée (Tournai, Belgium) and Mame (Tours, France) 1962
For the Biblical passages, we have used the Latin Vulgate text available in the public domain; for the accented Scriptural texts and the accented Regula S. Benedicti, we have used the accented Sixto-Clementine Vulgate graciously supplied by Frère Romain-Marie (Abbaye de Saint-Joseph de Clairval, Flavigny-sur-Ozerain, France).

Laszlo adapted some offices and the Latin and English psalter from David Siefker's reproduction of the Stanbrook Abbey Day-Hours, with his permission.

Laszlo used the Breviarium Monasticum, (Mechelen: Dessain, 1953) 4 volume edition for the Monastic version. As the team does not have access to this text, and to keep the Monastic version in agreement with approved texts, the 1963 Breviarium Monasticum is now being used for the site.

The Regula for the Latin is adapted from The Latin Library site.


For the English Biblical passages, we have used the Douai-Reims English translation. A copy of this can be downloaded from

Unfortunately, Laszlo left behind no documentation of his sources of the Sancta Missa English translation. We regret any inconvenience this may cause.

The daily Martyrologium is adapted with the permission of the owner, David Forster. Unfortunately, his site is no longer available on the internet. This is the Benedict XIV (1749) version with additions. Since the English translation is taken from the Bute 1908 edition (see below), the Latin and the English texts do differ. The English version of the Martyrologium is not identical with the Latin. The English adds explanations and additional saints. Sometimes, the lections of the English and Latin are not identical in the sources. Both have been left as they are in the texts from which they are drawn.

The Regula for the English is adapted from The Online Library of Liberty site.

Laszlo adapted the English translation of the hymns (with the permission of Jeffrey Tucker) from the Musica Sacra (Church Music Association of America) website using Dom Matthew Britt, O.S.B.'s Hymns of the Breviary and Missal.

Any other breviary material in English is from the translation of the Breviary by John, Marquess of Bute, printed in 1908 and made available on the internet from their archive collection by the University of St. Michael's College, Toronto with the same permission as for the Latin version:

Volume 1   Volume 2   Volume 3   Volume 4

The same collection also has a set of the same books without the quoted permission and apparently copyrighted.

We are deeply grateful to all of our friends and benefactors who make this Project a possibility. May God reward you.
We would like to thank Clare G. for help with the English text of the hymns.
We thank our team members for their collaboration throughout the years.
We thank the late Father Peter J. Scagnelli, Th.D. (1949-2017) for his wisdom, erudition, and love of the Sacred Liturgy. His kind support of this Project was unflagging.
We also would like to thank the many correspondents, including Timothy McCarthy and countless others, for their help in pointing out errata; in particular, Fr. John Lawrence M. Polis, FFI and Fr. François Laisney, SSPX for their assistance in ensuring the Rubrics 1960 version is faithful to the editio typica.
We thank New Catholic and the Rorate Caeli blog for their invaluable assistance upon the death of Laszlo Kiss, to ensure that the Divine Office might still be prayed online.
We thank, in the most profound way, the family of the late Laszlo Kiss, for permitting us to continue his work and devotion to the Church's liturgy.


For Hungarian Scriptures, Laszlo used the free-to-fair-use Katolikus Biblia.

Since this translation is from the Nova Vulgata, the Psalms and Ecclesiasticus differ significantly from the Latin Vulgate or Douai-Reims versions. For this site, the New Vulgate psalms have been re-enumerated by adding Psalm 10 to Psalm 9, decreasing by one the numbering of each of the psalms between 11 and 147, and by creating 146 and 147 from the the psalm numbered 147 in the New Vulgate. Textual changes have been retained.

For the hymns in the Hungarian version, Laszlo used the translation available here.

Any other material in Hungarian is Laszlo's translation or an adaptation from the above Bible.


For the Italian translation, we are very grateful to Don Camillo, who made available several rare resources, to Inter Multiplices Una Vox, who gave us permission to use the material on their web site, to ORA, LEGE et LABORA, who provided us with the Italian text of the Rule of St. Benedict, and to Fr. A.R. of Cantuale Antonianum, who posted a scan of the 1965 Latin-Italian Missal.


Polish version is still under development. For the Biblical passages, the Jakub Wujek Bible (Polish: Biblia Jakuba Wujka), transcription B, is used. It can be accessed on Wikisource or on It is in public domain and is a very respectable and important translation, which is moreover very useful because it strictly follows the original Vulgate Latin source.

However, the transcription (called „B”) is quite old and uses language forms which becomes more and more unintelligible. There exists another version of the translation done by Fr. Stanisław Styś . It is a revised (not to say modernized) version of the Fr. Wujek translation. It is still very close to Latin original, but can be read as easily as any contemporary text. This transcription, C, in Polish-Newer, is used by permission of the copyright holder.

Athanasian Creed's Polish translation comes from the supplement to the book: O prawdziwości Religii katolickiej / podług św. Augustyna ; wolnym przekładem napisał L. R., Kraków 1853, pages 213-229. The book can be accessed here.

Breviary hymns, except for Te Deum, come from books: Hymny brewjarza rzymskiego oraz patronału polskiego : przekład i objaśnienia, written by Bronisław Gładysz, and Mszał Rzymski z dodaniem Nabożeństw Nieszpornych prepared O. G. Lefebvre, polish translation corrections x. dr Stefan Świetlicki i x. Henryk Nowacki.

Regula translation from book Reguła Świętego Ojca Benedykta, Warszawa 1929.

Few translations (ie. Te Deum, Marian antiphons with their prayers, some parts of the Mass) come from (from here).

Parts of the Mass Ordinary and Mass Propers come from Tradycja Katolicka w par. NSPJ w Bydgoszczy page.

Non biblical readings are taken from: Some Monastic offices translations taken from

Martyrologium from book Rzymskie Martyrologium. Czytania na każdy dzień roku. 1910, taken from page.

We are very grateful to the authors of the aforementioned web pages.


German texts are taken from Das kirchliche Stundengebet oder Das römische Brevier. Übersetzt und erklärt von Erzpriester Stephan (2 volumes, Pustet 1926). They are occasionally corrected, where they are blatantly mistranslated (e.g. the translation for "filia" in that work regularly is "liebes"). In some cases, whole (psalm) verses were not taken from that book, but from Franz Xaver Schmidmayer, "Die Andacht der Heiligen Woche, wie sie in der katholischen Kirche besteht". The book provides no lectio III for saints in the 1960 office (=previous lectio IX for simplified feasts); we translated them ourselves, on the basis of the translations for the second nocturn. Sometimes the books has several different translations for the same Latin phrase, in those cases we tried to choose the best translation consistently. Psalms and bible verses that still had been missing, have been added from Die Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testamentes. Übersetzt und mit erklärenden Anmerkungen versehen von Augustin Arndt S. J. (3 volumes, Pustet 1914).
To avoid anachronism, texts which are well-known (Pater noster, Ave Maria, Requiem aeternam, Rorate caeli, ...) are given in the traditional catholic translation.


Les traductions en français de l'Ordo Missae viennent de Sancta Missa, et particulièrement cette page. Nous sommes très reconnaissant à pour les textes de la Messe qui sont bien commentées (avec les commentaires de Dom Guéranger, Bhx Cardinal Schuster et Dom Pie Parsch), et pour les rubriques de l'Ordo. Nous remercions aussi l'abbaye du Barroux, M. l'abbé Arnaud Evrat, FSSP, Frère Romain-Marie et messieurs Luc Absil et Louis-Guillaume Dubois pour leur aide avec la traduction française des textes. Les traductions du propre en français sont l’œuvre et la propriété de l’Abbaye Ste. Madeleine du Barroux.

La traduction du nouveau testament est celle du chanoine Crampon, mise à disposition sur Crampon. Elle est cependant modifiée en remplaçant le tutoiement par le vouvoiement. La traduction de l'ancien testament est tirée de la bible Fillion.

Les différences entre la Vulgate et la Bible hébraïque sont complétées en utilisant le Psautier du Bréviaire Romain de Fillion.

Les Hymnes et autres textes liturgiques seront issus du remarquable Introibo.

Le reste sera prélevé sur le Bréviaire Romain, Latin-Français, édité par Labergerie, 1956.


Spanish translation is still under development. We sincerely thank publishers of Sapientia Sedei Filii for their kind offering of texts from their translation. The Spanish Vulgate translation used is the Petisto-Torres Amat Sacred Bible revised by Alfonso Mª Gubianas O. S. B., 1935. For the Ordinary of the Mass, we have used the resources hosted on the Una Voce Sevilla website. The Proprium de Tempore are taken from Iglesia de El Salvador's parish blog El rincón litúrgico.

La traducción al español está aún en desarrollo. Agradecemos con sinceridad a los editores de Sapientia Sedei Filii su ofrecimiento desinteresado de los textos de su traducción del breviario. La traducción de la Vulgata que aquí se emplea es la de la Sagrada Biblia Petisco-Torres Amat, en la revisión de 1935 de Alfonso Mª Gubianas, O.S.B. Para el Ordinario de la misa, se han empleado los recursos presentes en la página de la asociación Una Voce Sevilla. Los textos del Propio del tiempo proceden del blog de la Iglesia del Salvador, Toledo.

We are very grateful to all web page authors mentioned herein.


Ukrainian translation is under development. The canon of the Mass is taken from the official translation of the 1970 Missal 1st Eucharistic prayer and is occasionaly adapted to be closer to the Latin version. Some of the prayers are also taken from the new missal. The Psalms in the Propers are taken from "Molytovnyi Psaltyr", and the scriptural readings follow Khomenko translation with occasional adaptation. "Pangue lingua gloriosi Corporis Mysterium" hymn translation by M. Lutsiuk was taken from "Laudate Dominum" book. "Pange lingua gloriosi lauream certaminis" (except the "Vagit infans" strophe) was taken from the Ukrainian translation of the Liturgy of the Hours. The rest of the texts are translated by a member of Una Voce Ucraina.


laszlo kiss (+2011)

The Divinum Officium Project
canon DOT missae AT gmail DOT com


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